Event Details

CIRTL - Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching

06-17-2019 11:00 AM

The CIRTL Online Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching designed specifically for grad students and postdocs new to teaching. In this five-day institute, participants will experience a thorough introduction to the core ideas that ground CIRTL's approach to STEM education: learning-through-diversity, learning communities, evidence-based teaching, and teaching-as-research. By examining relevant literature, working online in small peer groups facilitated by topical experts, and performing structured work independently; participants will develop a deep understanding of scientific teaching.

Throughout the week, participants will design an evidence-based, inclusive teaching activity. Each day will be split between independent work, large group activities and lessons, and small group work. On the final day of the program, participants will present their teaching activities to the entire group. By the end of the institute participants will have observed, evaluated, and collected a portfolio of innovative teaching approaches, instructional materials and practical strategies for enhancing student learning that can be adapted to their own teaching environments. Participants who successfully complete the CIRTL Summer Institute on Scientific Teaching will be named Scientific Teaching Fellows by the Summer Institutes on Scientific Teaching. Finally, participants will be familiar with CIRTL's associate-level learning outcomes, making them excellent candidates for achieving associate certification (note that certification is determined on a local level by each individual member institution).

Institute Schedule
The institute will take place June 17-21. Throughout the institute, participants will enjoy a mix of synchronous, online activities and asynchronous, individual work. Each day will include online sessions from roughly 12-5PM ET / 11AM-4PM CT / 10AM -3PM MT / 9AM-2PM PT; outside of those times, participants will be expected to do anywhere from 2 to 2.5 hours of individual work per day.

Note a second session maybe scheduled for July, if there is demand

Registration & Enrollment
This institute is limited to 36 participants.



(If not set, capacity is infinite)